Required Blog Post #7: Interview Recap and Revised Portfolio

buscard_01 buscard_02 myresume Portfolio Presentation

I fell very behind these past few weeks and start to rush myself. I hate that I do this and need to change something because my schedule is not working for me anymore. I have changed my logo multiple times and still feel something is missing to it! My portfolio is not as strong as I would have hoped it to be, but I will continue to work at it. I have so many ideas that I just need to pursue and finalize. I am asking to cut down at work because it is not as important to me as this class is along with graduating. I know that I will only screw myself over in the end which would end in deep regret. Moving forward I will plan my days more accordingly.

One thought on “Required Blog Post #7: Interview Recap and Revised Portfolio

  1. Keep up the progress! It’s good to see you posting more. For your resume I would suggest adding bullet points to differentiate your responsibilities for each position. Also add action verbs. For example, your job description for Fashion Craft says “Producing stickers and tags for promotional items Designing social media ads” try wording it like “Assisted in the design and production of custom wedding and party favors” and “Conceptualized social media campaigns for the brand” look at the action verbs resource in the DropBox for inspiration!


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